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Illinois Tax Increment Association

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Established in 1987, the Illinois Tax Increment Association is a public-private, not-for-profit organization whose membership consists of municipalities and other governmental entities, corporations, partnerships, associations and individuals engaged in or interested in tax increment finance and economic development. 

ITIA is governed by a Board of Directors composed of not more than 23 members elected at the ITIA Annual Meeting for a term of two years. A substantial majority of the Board of Directors consists of Mayors and Village Presidents from a broad cross-section of Illinois municipalities. An Executive Director is employed by the Board to manage the affairs of the Association.

Each year ITIA sponsors two Conferences for its members designed to keep them abreast of the numerous changes that are constantly occurring in the field. The Spring Conference is held in April or May in Springfield, while the Fall Conference is held in Chicago in coordination with the annual Illinois Municipal League Conference.

With the intent of fostering sound economic growth in the State of Illinois, ITIA provides its members with numerous opportunities for professional dialogue, education and exchange of information. It does this through its conferences, webinars,  its newsletters and Legislative Alerts, and an informative website, as well as other publications, workshops, seminars, and events of interest to the membership.

Those interested in being part of this vital and growing state-wide economic development organization may learn more about membership HERE , or by contacting the ITIA Executive Director.

Current ITIA By Laws

Board of Directors (pdf)

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