Illinois TIF Legislation
Links to primary legislation regarding TIF and related matters.
- The Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act (65 ILCS 5/11-74.4.1 et seq.)
- The Industrial Jobs Recovery Law (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-5 et seq.)
- The Economic Development Project Area Tax Increment Allocation Act of 1995 (65 ILCS 110/1 et seq.)
- County Economic Development Project Area Tax Allocation Act (55 ILCS 85/)
- Illinois Eminent Domain Act (735 ILCS 30/)
- Business District Development and Redevelopment Act (65 ILCS 5/11-74.3 et seq.)
TIF Reforms of 1999
Download or read online the following documents applicable to TIF reforms after Nov. 1, 1999.
- Qualifying New TIFs.
- Blighting Criteria for Improved Properties.
- Blighting Criteria for Vacant Properties.
- Conservation Criteria for Improved Properties.
- Criteria for Qualification of Industrial Park Conservation Areas.
- Implementing the 1999 TIF Reforms in Your Community.
- Legal Opinion on “Make-Whole” Agreements
Illinois TIF Reporting
Helpful information regarding annual TIF reporting.
TIF Data, Info Briefs & Professional Resources
Lists of TIF Communities and County Data, ITIA Information Briefs